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Patch Tuesday

Patch Tuesday is the second Tuesday of each month, on which Microsoft regularly releases security patches. Starting with Windows 98, Microsoft included a "Windows Update" system that would check for patches to Windows and its components, which Microsoft would release intermittently. With the release of Microsoft Update, this system also checks for updates to other Microsoft products, such as Office, Visual Studio and SQL Server.

Patch Tuesday begins at 18:00 or 17:00 GMT (10:00 PST (GMT-8) or 10:00 PDT (GMT-7)). Sometimes there is an extraordinary Patch Tuesday, 14 days after the regular Patch Tuesday. There are also updates which are published daily (e.g. definitions for Windows Defender and Microsoft Security Essentials) or irregularly.

Microsoft has an apparent pattern of releasing a larger number of updates in even-numbered months, and fewer in odd-numbered months.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.